Shirin Neshat’s solo show The Book of Kings at Faurschou Foundation in Beijing, China features a new body of photography works and a video installation by the internationally acclaimed Iranian artist. The project is inspired by the 60.000 verse epic poem, Shahnameh (Book of Kings), by the 11th century Islamic conquest of Persia. .
Catherine Lorent, Relegatio + Absolutio (detail), 2013. Ink, watercolour, charcoal, pastel, fluorescent pigments on paper, 2 electric guitars Gibson ®, neon lights, 786 x 355 cm. Photo © Rémi Villaggi.
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May 21, 2013
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GalerieETAGE im Museum Reinickendorf
Freundeskreis Willy-Brandt-Haus e.V.
Kommunale Galerie Berlin
Kommunale Galerie Berlin