TateShots: Ed Ruscha | Tate '> TateShots: Ed Ruscha | Tate 3711'/> TateShots: Ed Ruscha | Tate '>
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art news today 26.05.2013

Eingabedatum: 26.05.2013

art news today 26.05.2013


TateShots: Ed Ruscha | Tate

2013-05-26 16:41:38 - http://www.tate.org.uk/context-comment/video/tateshots-ed-ruscha
Playing word games with Ed Ruscha - Video 4 min

Julie Mehretu: To Be Felt as Much as Read | Art21

2013-05-26 11:16:12 - http://www.art21.org/texts/julie-mehretu/interview-julie-mehretu-to-be-felt-as-much-as-read?utm_sour
Julie Mehretu in her Berlin studio, 2008. Production still from the "Art in the Twenty-First Century" Season 5 episode, "Systems," 2009. © Art21, Inc. 2009.

James Turrell shapes perceptions - latimes.com

2013-05-26 11:15:56 - http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/arts/culture/la-et-cm-roden-crater-james-turrell-20130512,0,585
May 11, 2013, 8:00 a.m.

Museum of Contemporary Art, 220 East Chicago Ave, Chicago IL 60611
ICE (International Contemporary Ensemble): David Lang: the whisper opera | MCA Chicago

2013-05-26 11:15:52 - http://mcachicago.org/performances/now/all/2013/879
David LangPhoto: Peter Serling

BLOUIN ARTINFO | Mayor of Camden Supports Amy Winehouse Foundation

2013-05-26 11:15:50 - http://uk.blouinartinfo.com/news/story/906621/mayor-of-camden-supports-amy-winehouse-foundation

David Hockney, via The Guardian
» David Hockney Speaks on Death of Assistant - AO Art Observed™

2013-05-26 11:15:45 - http://artobserved.com/2013/05/david-hockney-speaks-on-death-of-assistant/?utm_source=feedburner&utm
Global contemporary art events and news observed from New York City. google_ad_section_end Suggestion? Email us.


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Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung

Anzeige Galerie Berlin

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Rumänisches Kulturinstitut Berlin

Anzeige Galerie Berlin

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GEDOK-Berlin e.V.